
35 thoughts on “Polls

  1. What almost never works for me is getting rid of books. You may be familiar with the drill of “You have too many books on the shelves (and tables, and floor), so please, get rid of some.”

      1. Clearing out books. Even if I couldn’t get into it and I’m 99% sure it’s not one I’ll reread, there’s still that part that says “but what if I change my mind?” or “there was that one good part….”

  2. Clearing out books. Even if it’s one I didn’t get into and I’m 99% sure I won’t ever re-read it, there’s still that “well what if I change my mind?” or “it did have that one good part….”

  3. Getting all of the yard work done in one day. I did better when I was younger, but still it takes several days.

  4. One thing that never works for me is remembering all the items on my grocery list, even if I have the grocery list. And most the time it is the one item I really need.

  5. What almost never works for me is putting my book down so I can do chores around the house…or go to bed…or talk to other people. LOL
    Thanks for the chance!

  6. What almost never works for me is paying for a gym membership, thinking I’ll use it! After a short period of time I lose my motivation and interest. However, I’ve found that gardening is the one form of exercise I truly enjoy and that I’m willing to do in almost any kind of weather! Additionally, though it’s irregular exercise; I’ll bicycle, walk or hike if the weather’s not too hot or not too cold.

  7. When you’re reading a great book ,you can’t put it down and you have to know what happens next.but you got to.you have other chores to do.you will get back to it.Also thank you so much for the chance.

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